Going natural is not an overnight process and each person’s journey is different. Some return natural within 3 months and others take a few years. It’s mostly dependent on the amount of damage done to your hair (chemical and heat damage). To begin your journey, start by minimizing any heat to your hair (blow drying and flat irons) and stop the use of any chemicals (perms, relaxers, Brazilian straighteners, Botox treatments). We encourage natural hair growth without the help of any chemicals and so our products provide you with the necessary moisture your hair needs.

If you are transitioning and don’t want to cut all your damaged hair off, then that’s also okay! Transitioning can be more frustrating than a big chop, but there are ways to deal with it by different ways of styling. Flexi rod sets, bantu knots, perm rods and roller sets are ways to create curls and help your transitioning hair curl again.